hai semua, kangen ya? ya ya emang lg males ngepost sih..soalnya saya lg baca buku yg berjudul 'Gakuen Alice' atau 'Alice Academy' saya awalnya tau Alice Academy dari Animax tp gak ngikutin gitu ceritanya..dan gara2 udah selesai baca inuyasha saya jadi bosen dan mencari buku lain, terus tiba2 inget deh sama Alice Academy dan baca lagi dari awal *hohoho* ini cerita singkatnya (pake bahasa inggris aja ya..gue lbh pw gt deh. HAHA -_- gk deng, ini ngambil dari internet)
"Gakuen Alice tells the story of Sakura Mikan, a girl who decides to follow her best friend when that said friend is sent to a special school in Tokyo. When she arrived there, she quickly realises that the school is actually a special school for 'Alices', children who possess magical powers. The school is specifically created to protect these children from those who wish to use or harm the children. Mikan ends up studying at the school as well when she realises that she also has a special power of her own." OH YA dan kalian juga harus tau, sekali mereka masuk sekolah ini mereka tdk bisa keluar sampe mereka lulus dan mereka jg tidak bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang tua. yak lalu...
bisa kalian liat diatas, tokoh utamanya adalah Mikan Sakura. dan sahabat yang diceritakan diatas adalah Hotaru Imai. nah jadi kalian udah baca kan kalo Mikan akhirnya sekolah di Alice Academy..dan disekolah ini dia bertemu dengan NATSUME HYUUGA yg memiliki sahabat bernama Ruka Nogi. dan mereka itu sekelas..awalnya Mikan dan Natsume itu musuhan karena Natsume orangnya emang mistis dan jahat sama semua orang kecuali sama Ruka, tetapi karena Mikan adalah orang yang baik, jadi ia bisa berteman bersama Natsume dan Ruka..dan waktu terus berlalu sampai akhirnya, si Ruka mulai suka kan sama Mikan TAPI TERNYATA Mikan dan Natsume jg saling suka *dagdigdug* tp gara2 Natsume gkenak sama Ruka jd dia gak nunjukin, tp ya gimana dng..si Mikannya suka sama Natsume...dan selanjutnya kalian baca saja *evil laugh*
tapi ya sebenernya sodara2......cerita yg saya ceritakan diatas itu bukan inti cerita dr Alice Academy MHAUHAUAH. jadi pokoknya sekolah ini memiliki kualifikasi kelas masing2 ada (bahasa inggris lagi ya)
1. Latent Type: Latent Alices are the most common in the school, and involve powers connected to ESP abilities. This is the most well-documented class. Examples: Teleportation and Telekinesis.
2. Technical Type: Technical Alice types appear when the individual performs a certain activity, such as cooking, drawing, etc. The Alices in this type are based on technology and research fields. Examples: Plant Manipulation and Cooking.
3. Somatic Type: Unlike other classes, this type manifests itself physically. The Somatic Alices are based on the bodies of humans, animals, and other living things, and appear in the form of a pheromone or physical ability. Examples: Super Speed and Human Pheromone.
4. Special Ability: This class is essentially for students with Alices that don't fit easily into any of the other three classes. Their powers are different and the class is mixed. Some of the rarest Alices belong to this class. Examples: Shadow manipulation, Doppelganger Alice, and Nullification Alice.
5. Dangerous Ability: This is considered to be an extra type; basically, the Alices in this class are so strong that they are a threat to the school. This class is very different from the others and could also be described as an occult. Examples: Stealing Alice, Mark of Death Alice and the Fire Alice.
dan sekolah ini membuat anak2 yang berada di Dangerous Ability Class melakukan hal yg berat2 padahal mereka masih anak-anak. DAN APAKAH ANDA TAU..bahwa Natsume juga termasuk dalam Dangerous Ability Class!!!!!!! lalu kalian baca saja selanjutnya bisa dibaca di
www.onemanga.com/gakuen_alice atau
www.mangafox.com/manga/gakuen_alice tp karena saya orang baik, ini saya berikan biodata Mikan dan Natsume

Mikan Sakura
Sakura Mikan (佐倉 蜜柑?) Voiced by: Kana Ueda
Nicknames: Polka dot panties, Strawberry Field, Lil Brat,Mikan no kimi, Goddess of Victory
[1]Gender: Female
Date of birth: January 1
Age: 10-11
Horoscope: Capricorn
Height: 138 cm
Weight: 33 kg
Alice: Nullification, Stealing Alice
Alice Stone Color: Mandarin Orange

Hyuuga Natsume (日向 棗?) Voiced by: Romi Paku
Main article: Natsume Hyūga
Nicknames: Black Cat (Kuro Neko), Obaka-chan (Stupid Little Boy), Guren no Kimi (Crimson Lotus) Nasty Fox
Gender: Male
Birthday: November 27
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Age: 10-11
Alice: Fire
Alice Stone Color: Red
Height: 140 cm
Weight: 34.5
Natsume is the male protagonist in the series. He is a genius and likes to ditch class frequently throughout the story. Hated and feared by a lot of students, he is thoroughly unhappy with the school, and is suspicious of the intentions of adults. Though he has power over most of the class because he is feared. Despite all this Sumire seems to have an undying crush for Natsume.
It seems that he is involved in top-secret missions for the Academy. He belongs to the Dangerous Ability Class. He is the only Special Star in the Elementary Division. His best friend is Ruka.
He was paired-up as Mikan's "partner" by the their mostly-absent class teacher, Narumi. However, Natsume is later forced to partner with Luna. He possesses the Alice of Fire and has a secret crush on Mikan. He is well aware that his best friend is also in love with Mikan, and at times he would push Mikan to him, and when Mikan is with him he can't help but question if she would be happier and better off with Ruka. He confessed to her out loud to the elementary principal that he loved her and will protect her. But regardless of the facts, other male characters such as Narumi, Tsubasa, Kaname, Tono, or even Ruka often become his subject of jealousy.

The All Time Fan
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