Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sakura Mikan (佐倉 蜜柑?) Voiced by: Kana Ueda
Nicknames: Polka dot panties, Strawberry Field, Lil Brat,Mikan no kimi, Goddess of Victory[1]
Gender: Female
Horoscope: Capricorn
Height: 138 cm
Weight: 33 kg
Alice: Nullification, Stealing Alice
Alice Stone Color: Mandarin Orange

Hyuuga Natsume (日向 棗?) Voiced by: Romi Paku
Main article: Natsume Hyūga
Nicknames: Black Cat (Kuro Neko), Obaka-chan (Stupid Little Boy), Guren no Kimi (Crimson Lotus) Nasty Fox
Gender: Male
Birthday: November 27
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Age: 10-11
Alice: Fire
Alice Stone Color: Red
Height: 140 cm
Weight: 34.5
Natsume is the male protagonist in the series. He is a genius and likes to ditch class frequently throughout the story. Hated and feared by a lot of students, he is thoroughly unhappy with the school, and is suspicious of the intentions of adults. Though he has power over most of the class because he is feared. Despite all this Sumire seems to have an undying crush for Natsume.
It seems that he is involved in top-secret missions for the Academy. He belongs to the Dangerous Ability Class. He is the only Special Star in the Elementary Division. His best friend is Ruka.
He was paired-up as Mikan's "partner" by the their mostly-absent class teacher, Narumi. However, Natsume is later forced to partner with Luna. He possesses the Alice of Fire and has a secret crush on Mikan. He is well aware that his best friend is also in love with Mikan, and at times he would push Mikan to him, and when Mikan is with him he can't help but question if she would be happier and better off with Ruka. He confessed to her out loud to the elementary principal that he loved her and will protect her. But regardless of the facts, other male characters such as Narumi, Tsubasa, Kaname, Tono, or even Ruka often become his subject of jealousy.

The All Time Fan
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
bacaan dari SD

p.s. ini so sweet, eh?

The All Time Reader

Sunday, September 13, 2009
SAT&SUN (edit)
me-acha-agatha (btw ini super cool :p)

me-acha-ka riri
dan hari minggunya saya bangjn jam 12 kan ha-ha dan langsung ciao kebawah main komp di kamar nyokap terus tiba2 agatha nlp
A: 'marsh lo dimana'
M: 'dibawah dikamar nyokap kenapa?'
A: 'gue diatas loh'
gue ngakak2 bentar kan terus langsung cabut keatas, dan kita ke rumah acha gitu foto2 lagi tapi gak seheboh kemaren hauhauhau terus nonton 17again, udah gitu kita ketaman foto2 sama MONACO udah gue sok main-main gitu sama monaco. udah sok2 berani padahal sebenernya gue takut banget..terus pas lagi foto sama monaco lalala beberapa menit kemudian gue nyadar kan paha bagian belakang gue sampe kena celana basah gitu, gue bengong kan ' ini air apa?' gue mikir gitu..terus pas gue cium ternyata ITU PIPISNYA MONACO....BAGUS BGT GAK SIH GUE DIKENCINGIN ANJING. udah kan gue panik 'gimana ini huaaaaa'. tapi acha dan agatha santai aja gak ada yang peduli yaudah deh gue diem aja terus kita jalan2 keliling kompleks (kompleks???????) dan masuk ke suatu rumah yg sumpah gue gak tau siapa pemiliknya dan dirumah itu juga punya anjing berhubung kita jalan2 sama monaco kan, terus kita masuk kerumah itu dan ada 2 anjing namanya BRAD dan PITT. SUMPAH YA MEREKA LUCU ABIS GEMBROT2 PENGEN GUE GIGIT, DAN TERNYATA SEMUANYA si Pitt ini punya feeling sama MONACO, soalnya si Pitt ini ngikutin monaco terus..udah kan gue masih main hpnya agatha gitu..dan pas gue nengok kebelekang GUE LIAT PITT DAN MONACO LAGI HAVE SEX!!!!!!!! LO STRESS GAK SIH PADAHAL MEREKA BER2 ITU COWOK, gue langsung pusing kan, dan akhirnya kita pulang gitu kerumah acha dan gue mandi dengan tanah disana HA-HA-HA.udah deh pulang&buka

itu MONACO yang lagi dicekek
p.s. gue ngasih tau beberapa orang ttg gue dikencingin anjing, dan beginilah reaksi mereka:
Farras says: hah? sabar ya mar
@accchi lo bau kali jadi di pipisin :p dan @accchi ew, lo sudah gak virgin HAHA gakdeng kidding :p:p (vulgar bgt)
Dhila says: HUAHAHA
Arga says: bau lo sama kali
(ka) Nadim says: hahaha km dikira tiang listrik makanya dikencingin, kok bs sih?
dan ada yang bilang gue lupa siapa: 'lo kayak pohon kali' <- ini gak tau kenapa gue ngakak abis-abisan maksudnya kayak pohon tuh apa...
p.s.s. ya...jadi asalkan kalian tau post ini saya edit..jadi dulu anjing yg gue ceritakan namanya MARACO padahl ternyata namanya MONACO, stupid eh?
The Girl Next Door

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
2 in 1

The Anak Pantai
Thursday, September 3, 2009

but most of all I lyk Jani the most! she's super cool! parah I like her style (sok bgt) tapi serius deh kayak confident abis gitu dan badannya super ngiler pengen banget!!!!!!!!kalo gue nanti gede kayak dia gimana ya???? hm hm cool abis ...doakan saja ya kawan
The Brutally Romantic
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009
Things I Want! (part 2)

ya...saya butuh dompet, dan dompet ini bagus sekale
o.O ini adalah makanan terenak di muka bumi apalagi kalo side dishes yang double mac&cheese + mashed potato with gravy ~~~
udah lama banget gak icip-icip UDAH LEBIH DARI SEBULAN..aku kangen kamu pacarku
the I just can't get enough
Friday, August 28, 2009

the so not important post

2.Taylor Lautner
he's hot ♥
3.Optimus Prime
siapa yang gak suka????pasti suka kaan

4. Gu Jun Pyo
yang nonton bbf pasti tau...makanya nonton dong